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Angel Wing Art Farm

Balance Between Night and Day

Balance Between Night and Day

Regular price $200.00 USD
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Balance Between Night and Day:  Some people wonder. Now, you may not be one of them, or you may be one of them, but I know I am, on Why is the Sun out during half of the day and the other half, the Moon shines in the sky. I happen to know a Star, and I posed that question to him. The following is his story, and he tells me he is sticking to it. At one time, the stars wondered the same thing and, at first, did not have a solution. Then, one fine day, they came across a traveling circus. In this circus, there happened to be a tightrope walker. One Star had an idea and asked the high wire artist if she could be kind enough to show them how she did her craft. So, taking a Star up on the wire, She performed her show. The Star, not a stranger to heights, followed and had no problem learning the task. So, one night, the idea was formed to create a tight wire using stars. The Stars gathered together, joined hands, and hooked one end and the other to bigger Stars at both ends of the star-made line. Using a balance pole, the Sun and Moon were attached to opposite ends. The Star High-wire Acrobat then started slowly, one foot in front of the other. On the end of the balancing pole that had the Sun, that part of the world received sunlight, and the other end received the moonlight. When the star high-wire acrobat reached the end of the star line, they turned around with the balance pole and started walking back. With that, the Sun and Moon switched sides. The part of the world that had once gotten the Sun now received the Moon, and the other side experienced the Sun. So, to the Stars high wire acrobats, the Earth people have much to be thankful for. For now, they have day and night.
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