The Wind

The Wind

The wind was roaring in his ears as he approached the entrance of the home of the caretaker of the woods. It had been a long and challenging journey, and the end looks to be no different. The snow was falling so hard that it was all he could do to follow the footprints of his guide. Through the snow, he was able to spy the maw of the opened tree cavity. A flash of light appears through all the white and blinds him for a moment. Then a loud boom shakes the ground beneath his feet with such vigor that it almost knocks him to the ground. Stopping to catch himself, he yells to the guide in front of him to continue to their goal. With the snow now stinging his eyes, he held up a hand in front of his face in order to try and see how much further it was to the tree. Taking a break, he can now see that standing in the cavity was a figure of a person. Waving to them to continue on. With all the energy he has left, he marches towards the person. Another flash of lightning and a loud boom filled the air and shook the ground. "I must continue," he tells himself. "I have no other choice." an excerpt from the novel "E-ert Logs". Enjoy
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