Moon Child art print

Moon Child art print

Today, I begin posting art prints and tales from my next book, "The Mountain of the Moon and Sun, the story of the Avens." Some of the art is painted on basswood and hypertufa. If you have yet to buy my last book, "Enchanted Dreams," it is on sale at along with art and other goodies created here on the art farm. And away we go.... I was by myself until I realized the Moon was shining through the window, casting its light on me, putting me in a Moon trance. A feeling of love and belonging ran through my body. That night, the Moon started to reveal its knowledge about the universe and Earth. It said these tales were of ancient origin that opened a portal into its very soul. That evening, the Moon made me aware that it was not yet at its full strength. Tomorrow, it will be of full strength and then be able to explain things more clearly. So tomorrow, I set myself up in front of the window and watched as the full Moon climbed into the air over the mountains. Before I knew it, I was once again transported into the thoughts of the Moon. In truth, the Moon that night did not reveal all the stories but told me where to find these tales. It was up to me to locate the tales and interpret the meanings. As the Moon continued its tutorial, I was given a mental image, a map, of an island where these tales were stored and could be fully told. Still entirely in a hypnotic state, I started to draw a map. An archipelago of islands grouped in a crescent shape like the Moon. On one of these islands stood a mountain, and inside this mountain were caves. These catacombs held paintings created by a race of marooned space travelers she called "Avens." The night moved on, and finally, so did the Moon. When it became time for her to set, I asked why she was telling me all this. The Moon answered, 'Because you are a child of the Moon."
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