Lost City on the Moon

Lost City on the Moon

The Moon Castle, that was the name it was called ages ago. There may be only a few who had the knowledge of how it came to be. But many did understand that it was and is still there. Where is it located, you may ask? Why, silly, it is stationed on the dark side of the Moon. Under the shadow of space and below the mighty craters. Yes, below, as in underground.A celestial home to the Aven people. The Avens were the ones asked by the Sun to build the Moon. When the Avens began their construction, it was only to be a quarter of the Moon, but the Sun felt the city needed to be hidden from sight. There, the plan came to be for the Lost City on the Moon and the Moon Castle to be under the craters where the Avens could keep building the Moon into a round shape. When they were finished, the Sun noticed that the Moon panels that the Avens used to complete the Moon were dull. The Sun wanted the Moon to reflect its light so people of the Blue Island would think of him even at night. To fix this problem, the Avens got to work and coated the Moon's surface with a layer of glue. Then the Sun took out a pouch of stardust he had stowed in his pocket and blew it all onto the surface of the Moon. The stardust made the Moon glitter, and with the help of the glue, it stuck to the surface. That is how the Moon came to reflect the light from the Sun and how the Moon came to be in the night sky. www.angelwingartfarm.com
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