Cosmic Debris the Flight to Save Aven

Cosmic Debris the Flight to Save Aven

Cosmic Debis the Flight to Save Aven: A race of star travelers hurdled toward our solar system. They are made up of three different orbits of the universe. The Sun, the Moon, and the Star orbit and hale from a planet far, far away called Aven. These space explorers are called Avens.                                                                                                                                           The reason for the journey to our solar system is to save their home world from dying.                                                                                                                       You see, first, their Moon crashed violently into their world, leaving their nights cold and dark.                                                                                                     Then, the wise ones discovered that their Sun was expiring. That event would spell the doom of the planet of Avens and all that they loved.                                                                                            The ancient ones quickly assembled a mission. The plan they developed was to fly to the nearby solar system and gather a core sample of its Sun, bring it back, and put new life into their failing Sun.                                                                                                                                    After an extensive survey of surrounding solar systems, they came across only one with a Sun similar to theirs that could help them attain their goal.                                                                            The neighboring system they found just happened to be Earth's solar system and their Sun.                                                                                                  To journey to this system, a team of specially trained Avens was required to be assembled.                                                                                                   A captain with a crew that was well-trained in long space flights.                                                                   Then, along with them, a company of scientists with the knowledge of the Suns.                                                                                                                          Next, a spacecraft that could handle a long flight, not be detected by other worlds, and withstand the heat of the Sun.                                                                                                                    To achieve this, the wise ones created a spaceship shaped like a comet. It was designed for speed and built to withstand the high temperatures of the Sun.                                                                                                                     They christened their vessel the "Starchaser."                                                                              Flying along with "Starchaser" will be other ships also disguised as fellow comets. They will not carry a crew but help keep the mission as stealth as possible. The last thing the wise ones want is for a planet to think they are on a mission to invade their world.   Everything was now set, and within days, the journey and mission would begin.
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